A Values-Centered Approach
A Coaching approach combining Values-Centered Therapy and Values-Based
More than words
Values are more than words. They are the driving force behind every decision you’ve ever made. Beyond being your priorities in life, values are the strengths you use, the goals you pursue, and the aspirations you have for yourself as a human being. Values are the ways of living, working, and showing up that matter to you most. Ultimately, your values are what make you, you.
“Dan’s coaching gets to the heart of the matter.
His values-based questions and keen insights allow you to explore what truly matters in a career (and life). The result is solid direction and confidence to take the next step.”
- Lindsey, Trainer and Entrepreneur
Carl Jung and other psychologists have said that the expression of personal values creates the experience of meaning. You don’t have to be saving the world to feel like you’re doing something meaningful. You only need to look inward, to discover - and decide - what matters to you.
Passion provides immense personal satisfaction, fueling exceptional performance. It arises from engaging in value-aligned activities until they produce flow experiences. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who discovered flow, wrote that activities embody values.
Purpose can seem like a mysterious thing. Some describe it as a divine gift, while others view it as a metaphysical aspect of the universe. Without dismissing these perspectives, we define purpose as a deeply personal mission for which you are uniquely suited. You do not need to believe anything otherworldly to use this framework successfully.
Join the waitlist for The Purpose Statement™ workshop.
Values-centred living is the practice of being true to yourself.
- Dan Chan, Founder, Values-Centered Coaching
Substantiated by Science
“The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. It is about understanding our values and living in accordance with them.”
Carl Jung - Founder of Analytical Psychology
“Values are our heart’s deepest desires for how we want to live as a human being. They are what you want to stand for in life, how you want to behave."
Steven C. Hayes - Founder of Acceptance Commitment Therapy
"You can describe values as being the direction you want your behavior to move you toward. Like a compass, values provide you with a consistent sense of direction for your life."
Jenna LeJeune, PHD - Author of Values in Therapy
“When well-being comes from engaging our strengths and virtues, our lives are imbued with authenticity.”
Martin Seligman - Father of Positive Psychology
"Questions about the meaning of life can never be answered by sweeping statements. The answer is often found through the realization of one’s values.”
Viktor Frankl - Psychologist and author of Man’s Search for Meaning
"People’s values form an ordered system of priorities that characterize them as individuals."
Shalom H. Schwartz - Creator of the Theory of Basic Human Values
How is Values-Centered Coaching different from traditional high-performance coaching?
Traditional coaching helps you reach a destination.
Values-centered coaching helps you determine your direction.
Traditional coaching helps you achieve goals you set for yourself.
Values-centred coaching helps you set goals true to yourself.
Traditional coaching helps you develop skills.
Values-centred coaching helps you develop character.
Traditional coaching focuses on ways of doing.
Values-centred coaching focuses on ways of being.
Traditional coaching helps you get there faster.
Values-centred coaching helps you enjoy yourself more.